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Edward St Dental

Upper Porcelain Crowns, Lower Porcelain Veneers

Client: existing 30-year-old porcelain veneers on the upper six teeth were breaking and looking unsightly around the receding gumline. The lower composite resin veneers, placed ten years ago, also reached their shelf-life and began leaking and breaking away.

Solution: Eight upper and six lower porcelain veneers were placed. The patient now has upper and lower uniform and matching teeth. The shade matches the patient’s age while still achieving a youthful and vibrant smile. The patient is thrilled not only with the outcome but also with the ease of the procedure considering 14 teeth were treated.

Our Digital Smile Design (DSD) process, digital photography planning, and digital scanners assisted in achieving the final result. Through this modern technology, our patient was able to be a part of the treatment process.


Related Services:

Cosmetic Dentistry

Service Performed By:

Dr Matthew Pulvirenti, BDSc
Replacement of existing veneers Replacement of existing veneers
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