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Edward St Dental

12 Upper Porcelain Crowns

Client: had two concerns. 1. A lifetime crossbite causing "rollercoaster" wear of the front teeth.  2. A retained baby eye tooth becoming loose. Patient feels like their teeth look "aged" and desires a more youthful appearance.

Solution: 14 Porcelain Crowns in the upper teeth. The baby tooth was removed and a three-unit porcelain bridge was used to replace it (this made up 3 of the 14 porcelain crowns). The general ethos is to treat as few teeth as possible. For this case, however, the dental crossbite meant that all of the upper teeth required redesigning with crowns. Digital smile design and digital scans were used to make the case time-efficient, comfortable and predictable. Client was thrilled with the outcome!

Case performed by Dr Matthew Pulvirenti

Brisbane Porcelain Crowns Same Day Before Photo Brisbane Porcelain Crowns Same Day After Photo
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