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Edward St Dental

How much will I get back from my health insurance?

The best source of information to find out what you get back from your health fund is the health fund themselves. Every policy and company is different. The factors that come into play usually include the type of policy you hold, the specific treatment you're seeking, and the annual limits applicable for that year. Certain health funds may also have policy resets either at the end of the financial year or the calendar year, impacting your reimbursement potential. For accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend to contact your private health insurance provider.

How do I find out how much I get back?

Edward St Dental will be happy to assist in providing you the information you need to phone your health fund provider. First, you will need to have your dentist's name and provider number details. Make sure you also have the item numbers corresponding to the dental procedures you're planning to undergo, the specific amount associated with each item number and the date of your scheduled treatment on hand. They can provide personalised insights into the reimbursement you can expect based on your policy, treatment details, and any applicable limits.

At Edward St Dental, we're committed to empowering our patients to ensure that you're well-informed every step of the way.