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Edward St Dental

Is a dental crown stronger than a filling?

Dental crowns and tooth-coloured fillings are both tooth restoration options, but each one works differently. A dental crown is made from a single, engineered piece of ceramic which we create as a complete tooth cover, like a hard hat or helmet. In contrast, a dental filling starts as a semi-solid composite resin material which our Brisbane dentists use to fill a hole or pit in your tooth caused by tooth decay.

These structural differences generally make a dental crown stronger than a filling. Still, we aim to use the most appropriate dental restoration for your specific case at Edward St Dental. This goal is essential as our dental team strives to save as much natural tooth material as possible.

Dental Crowns Restore Heavily Damaged Teeth

So, while a dental crown is stronger, it also requires that we remove significant amounts of the tooth to ensure a tight fit. On the other hand, a composite tooth filling is ideal for minor cavities and tooth damage because it’s a method that conserves as much of your tooth as possible.

That’s why we recommend dental crowns in Brisbane for only the most damaged teeth because their strength and durability allow us to save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted. The best news is that regardless of which dental restoration you need, the team at Edward St Dental can likely supply it in a single visit.

Book an Appointment for Dental Crowns or Fillings in Brisbane

If you have a damaged tooth that needs restoration, we welcome you to contact Edward St Dental to book an appointment with your Brisbane dentist. Our dental practice is located at Level 1, 97 Edward St in Brisbane CBD. We look forward to helping you restore your smile.