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Edward St Dental

Are airflow cleanings effective for patients with major dental issues?

The AIRFLOW® handpiece eliminates direct contact with teeth or gums, replacing the need for ultrasonic or manual instruments and gritty toothpaste for plaque removal. Airflow cleaning technology has gained popularity for its efficiency and comfort. However, its suitability for all patients depends on several factors:

  • Dental Health Status — Airflow cleaning is generally safe for patients with good dental health but may not be suitable for those with extensive dental issues or advanced gum disease. Patients with severe dental conditions may need more traditional treatments.
  • Sensitivity — Airflow cleaning is gentle and well-tolerated by most individuals. Still, patients with extreme tooth sensitivity may experience discomfort during the procedure. 
  • Dental Restorations — Airflow cleaning may not damage dental restorations, but ensuring they're securely in place is essential.
  • Dentist's Recommendation — Your Brisbane dentist will assess the patient's needs and dental health to determine the most suitable cleaning method.

Are You Looking for Airflow Dental Cleans in Brisbane, QLD? 

Airflow cleaning technology is a valuable tool for maintaining oral health. While it is suitable for many patients, its effectiveness depends on individual factors. Your Brisbane dentist will provide personalised recommendations to ensure your dental care is comfortable and suitable for your unique needs.