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Edward St Dental
brisbane man smiling after a dental cleaning at Edward St Dental

Understanding and Preventing Enamel Erosion

December 22, 2023
patient getting a dental cleanings in brisbane

Your Brisbane dentist wants you to enjoy a healthy and comfortable smile, and part of that includes healthy tooth enamel.

Enamel erosion leaves you vulnerable to cavities, dental fractures, and even tooth breakage. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help keep your enamel intact and your smile healthy.

Following healthy habits lowers your risks for many oral health conditions, including enamel loss and gum disease.

Let’s explore why tooth enamel erodes and what you can do to help prevent it from happening.

What Is Tooth Enamel?

Tooth enamel is the outer layer of your teeth that protects the inner workings from bacteria, cavities, and general damage. Tooth enamel is a hard layer, but you should take steps to ensure it remains intact.

10 Common Reasons Your Tooth Enamel May Erode

Enamel erosion has many causes. Continue reading to learn more.

#1 Sugary and Acidic Foods and Drinks

Sugars left on the teeth form acids, which contribute to plaque. Additionally, these acids eat away at tooth enamel, breaching the outer layer of the teeth and leaving you at risk for decay and more. Acidic drinks like fruit juice also contribute to enamel erosion.  

If you indulge, rinse your mouth afterwards and brush and floss as soon as possible.

#2 Poor Oral Hygiene

Failure to brush and floss regularly allows plaque and tartar to build up on teeth. The acids are then free to erode your enamel.

It’s essential to brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss at least once to rid your teeth of plaque and accumulating acids. You should spend at least two minutes brushing and never reuse sections of dental floss; always unroll a fresh section as you move along.

For more specific brushing and flossing tips, talk to a member of our dental team.

#3 Lack of Dental Care

Visiting your Brisbane dentist regularly for check-ups and teeth cleans would be best. Check-ups help us spot cavities early, and your dental clean removes stubborn plaque and tartar, preventing enamel erosion and the associated oral health complications.

#4 Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Teeth grinding during sleep wears down your teeth and breaches the enamel. Untreated bruxism can lead to cavities, TMJ, and even tooth breakage. Symptoms of bruxism include bulkiness in front of the ears, neck, jaw and shoulder pain, migraines, and tooth wear.

#5 Dry Mouth

Saliva helps wash acids and bacteria from the teeth and gums. When the mouth is too dry, acids remain on teeth and wear down your tooth enamel. Tobacco use and dehydration contribute to dry mouth.

#6 Acid Reflux

Acid reflux allows stomach acids to enter the mouth through the esophagus. These acids can damage your tooth enamel and even lead to enamel loss.

#7 Certain Medications

Some medications, like aspirin, can erode tooth enamel. If you take any medicines regularly, share a list with your Brisbane dentist.

man kissing his wife's forehead #8 Ageing

Over the decades, we put a lot of wear and tear on our teeth. So, as we age, we can also lose some tooth enamel.

#9 Insufficient Nutrition

It would be best if you enjoyed a diverse diet of nutrient-rich foods. Having enough calcium in your diet is essential to support your teeth and bones!

#10 Crooked or Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned teeth put a lot of wear on specific teeth that are taxed with most of the chewing. Talk to your dentist about orthodontics or Invisalign in Brisbane.

Can a Dentist Fix Enamel Loss?

Your dentist can help prevent enamel loss or ‘additional’ enamel loss through dental care.

To prevent enamel loss, adopt healthy habits—like some of those described above—and see the dentist regularly.

To prevent additional enamel loss, your dentist may talk to you about Fluoride treatments to strengthen your teeth. We also offer fissure sealants to keep debris and bacteria locked away from your teeth. Sealants provide protection even when some of your tooth enamel is lost.  

Is It Time for Your Next Check and Clean?

If it’s time for your next check-up and teeth clean or if you have questions for the dentist, we encourage you to contact a member of our friendly dental team today to get started.

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