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Edward St Dental

Emma Bowtell

Dental Hygienist

Emma Bowtell started as a dental assistant in a general dental practice in 2006. She excelled at clean and polish appointments and worked for a periodontist whose team performed cleans each day. This immersion further sparked her drive to complete her studies and become an oral health therapist and periodontal hygienist. Emma joined Edward St Dental for the exciting opportunity to focus on strengthening an already very established hygiene department.

During her time at university, Emma achieved four awards for outstanding oral health practices. They include:

Emma's goal is to individualise her client's oral hygiene regimes to obtain optimal oral health. She uses the latest technology in airflow to improve comfort during clean appointments. Emma also may take x-rays, complete digital teeth scans. In addition, she may treat your gum disease and will carry out whitening procedures and fluoride treatments. 

During her time away from the clinic, Emma describes herself as a foodie. She loves eating out but also loves to cook. In addition, she enjoys travel and spending time with her dog Louis and her cat Hugo.